Journal clubs have been used as a teaching format in academic medicine for over a century. The aim is to involve undergraduate medical students in critical appreciation of scientific literature. Students become familiar with research and develop a better understanding of epidemiology and biostatistics.
A Journal club is made of students who meet regularly to discuss critically a published article of common interest. The article is usually written by researchers and clinicians over a defined topic in any field of medicine. Club activities are formalized. Meetings are held at regular intervals which should fit conveniently into the teaching schedule. A student committee is responsible for overseeing club activities and students voluntarily suggest articles relevant to their studies. A group of students would present the selected article and critically discuss its content. Presentation by students is compulsory and students are given time to prepare for their presentation. The article is made known to all in advance. To optimize participation credit is given for attendance.
According to a standard agenda, on the day of meeting the presentation is made orally in English followed by queries which often generate a lively debate. A guest faculty who is an expert on the concerned topic is often invited to stimulate the discussion. A faculty member acts as the mentor and is responsible for assessing and suggesting improvements in club activities.
Students get an opportunity to present scientific papers orally to their peers and develop their debating skills. A well organized Journal Club can generate greater interest toward advanced learning among students.
Ref: Journal club at a Chinese university for international medical students
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